Love Letter

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Love Letter


A short and fast game where Clue meets Go Fish.

Playable with 2 but better with 3-4.


So far I've only been able to play this as a two player game and in that context it's still a fun little game. I highly expect this will shine as a 3 or 4 player game. I can easily see this as a quick starter game for the evening.

This one is an interesting quick game of deduction and chance. I played it two player, which means you're only playing against one person, but you have fewer cards burnt before the round ends and the ability to deduce isn't as great. I really enjoyed it and would play it again with others. Not my favorite game, but an excellent opener or quick change of pace game for a game night.


  • 285/20,698 on BBG. Very respectable.
  • Created in 2012.
  • 24 different "re themes" listed on Wikipedia.
  • From all of the foreign language articles on BBG this game seems to have been sold all over the world.
